Gai Lindsay (PhD Candidate and Lecturer, Bachelor of Education: The Early Years, University of Wollongong, Australia - Earlyarts Creative EYFS Teaching Packs

The ‘Nurturing Young Children’s Learning” resource booklets are a wonderfully informative and practical resource for early childhood professionals and anyone passionate about nurturing children’s learning through creative and artistic languages. Developed by artists and early childhood professionals, these visual documents clearly outline the benefits, resources, skills and learning potentials within a wide range of visual, play-based and creative activities. Links to the EYFS Early Learning Goals support educators to identify learning outcome potentials within the wide range of experience suggestions offered. These learning outcome links can easily be translated into early childhood contexts internationally. I heartily  recommend these booklets for their capacity to inspire, inform and support reflective practice in early childhood contexts.

Margarita Pantev - Ten Great Techniques for Making Your Teaching More Creative

Thank you very much for publishing the guide to Creative Teaching!  I downloaded it and scanned over it. It is a wonderful tool to implement in my classroom. I will study it in depth and will start using the ideas in the very first month of the new school year. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with educators all over the world!

Angela Sugden, Earlyarts 10 Great Techniques to Make Your Teaching More Creative

What a fabulous term, 'learning laboratory', for me children are the research and development team and need a rich laboratory to practice and ignite their curiosity and creativity. Your ideas around curiosity collections are great. I work a lot with open ended materials and present them as provocations. This grew from decades of work using treasure baskets with babies and their parents and as these children became mobile developed heuristic collections - which again support their divergent thinking.