Dr Ben Fletcher-Watson explores the impacts of Theatre for Early Years (TEY) since its emergence in the late 1970s. His research undertakes a qualitative investigation of current practice in the devising and production of performing arts for very young audiences, based on the belief that children should access high-quality cultural experiences on the same basis as adults.
This study by Dr Matthew Reason sought to discover how primary school children watch theatre and respond to it through their drawings.
How do families perceive arts events in natural landscapes? Wild Rumpus, founders of the magical Just So Festival of creativity for children and their families, explore how transformative shared learning can become when families play, dance, paint, listen to and watch amazing art together in beautiful outdoor spaces.
'A nursery child's face, eyes, words, sounds and movements hide in memory'. Written by Roberto Frabetti, Director of Italy's La Baracca Theatre, he explores theatre approaches to engaging with, understanding and listening to nursery children.
Starcatchers Final Report on their early years theatre programme, 'See the Theatre, Play the Theatre'. The Starcatchers project was a two-year pilot project, funded by NESTA and the Scottish Arts Council, which aimed to explore the creation of theatre for children under the age of three with their parents or carers. By Susan Young and Niki Powers.