Wendy Hartley, Stockport Early Years Team

Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your presentation on Friday at the Stockport EY Conference. It was so refreshing to hear someone telling me that it was OK, to do what my heart has been fighting to do for many years (over 30 in EY) - think outside the box, nurture curiosity and creativity and foster a love of exploration and free flowing ideas, not only with the children but with the staff team too. Stockport Early Years Conference, October 2014  




Delegate, Birth to Five Conference, June 2014

It has made me renew and focus on why I came in to teaching. Both keynote and closing speeches where excellent. They were inspiration, motivating and thought provoking. Closing speaker really made me think about what I say and the way I treat boys! I love the stone printing in Earlyarts and will definitely use the idea - Birth to Five Conference, June 2014

Penny Hay, Director of Research, 5x5x5=creativity and Senior Lecturer in Arts Education, Bath Spa University

Earlyarts has kept me informed, and put me in touch nationally and internationally, with some of the most developmental practice in terms of creative approaches for young children. It’s very inspiring - South West (North) Professional Development Day, May 2010

Jacki Bracewell, Deputy Head Teacher, Canterbury Nursey School and Centre for Children and Families

We all know working with children needs to be holistic and in my head I knew the same was true with parents, but today I feel I have gained a real vision of how to move forward strategically to achieve this - Earlyarts International UnConference November 2010

Elaine Bates, Early Years Co-ordinator, The Manchester Museum

The Earlyarts Professional Development Day was very inspiring - almost too much for the brain on one day! But I think it is indicative of just how many innovative initiatives are now happening in early years and the challenge is to join it up as far as possible and make it count, which is what Earlyarts is able to do. We're looking forward to being on this journey with Earlyarts.

Kathy Brodie, Early Years Practitioner

Just wanted to let you know what a fantastic day we have had today! It has been really thought provoking with excellent contributors. The two who deserve special mention are John Rainer whose presentation was very informative without being too technical (which is necessary for me!) and Jo Albin-Clark from Edge Hill. She was exceptional in her skills as a facilitator in the morning and very interesting in her workshop in the afternoon. Thank you so much for organising all this.