In this blog Earlyarts Director, Ruth Churchill Dower, explores how the arts can enable young children with selective mutism to communicate by connecting brains and bodies in new and creative ways and how a new PhD research programme will explore the impact of different art forms on early brain development.
Playful Spaces for Playful Minds
'It’s abstract Mummy, art can be anything you want it to be.’ my five year old declared as she presented to me her latest drawing. What a perfect age, completely open to the artistic process whereby a piece of work can provoke ideas and thoughts that are not predetermined by life experiences and contexts. Art to her is simple – it fuels her imagination.
Are children emotionally and creatively intelligent?
Arts and Creativity for children in Romania
Daniela Miscov, director of Artelier-D in Bucharest, provides insight into the most important early years creative projects and the changes currently happening in Romania.
Being and Belonging
Orla Kenny from Kids' Own explores what the artist brings that is unique to the early years setting, focussing on the difference between art and play, and what added value the arts brings to a child's development and learning experiences.
Early Years Strategic Roundtable: progress update
The truth of art is linked to the truth about children
Daniela Miscov of Artelier-D in Bucharest, explores what children need and how we can document their needs better when we engage with them in an artistic and creative way.
Linking quality to children's interests
Earlyarts continues its exploration into the world of quality in early years creativity with an engaging Q & A with London Early Years Foundation (LEYF) CEO and Earlyarts board member, June O'Sullivan.
How important is quality?
Earlyarts talks to early years consultant and UnConference delegate Geraldine French who gives an insight into her views on quality, why it's important as well as ideas derived and advice for others post UnConference.