Medical Notes project - impact of music in hopsitals

Medical Notes project - impact of music in hopsitals

This research report provides compelling evidence of the benefits of employing skilled Music for Health practitioners within healthcare settings. The research was commissioned by the Royal Northern College of Music and funded by Youth Music.

Early Childhood Spaces - involving children in the design process

Early Childhood Spaces - involving children in the design process

This article by Alison Clarke explores the methodology and initial issues raised in seeking to involve young children in the design process. It reports a study concerned with how young children can play an active role in the designing and developing of children's spaces. The focus is on children under 6 years old in early childhood provision.

Early Years Education: how do they do it in Sweden?

Early Years Education: how do they do it in Sweden?

A documentary exploring the differences in early years education between Sweden and the UK. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:

Progression in Creativity - Developing New Forms of Assessment

Progression in Creativity - Developing New Forms of Assessment

A literature review which provides an overview of the key issues and debates surrounding creativity and the potential for assessing it in individuals. Authors: Ellen Spencer, Bill Lucas and Guy Claxton from the Centre for Real-World Learning, University of Winchester.

Musical storytelling for children with autism and other additional needs

Musical storytelling for children with autism and other additional needs

Written by Emma Hutchinson and Sudurjaya Therza of the Music House for Children, this article shows how music, when offered through appropriate playful activities, can nurture vocalising, language development and sociable empowerment in young children with a range of needs.

Empowering Young Children in Art Museums

Empowering Young Children in Art Museums

This article outlines a number of art museum programmes that have encouraged children as guides during school and family visits, and discusses the benefits of these programmes - for both the children and their adult companions. By Katrina Weier, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove, Australia.

Learning, Arts, and the Brain: report on arts and cognition

Learning, Arts, and the Brain: report on arts and cognition

This collection of studies highlights the possible impact of arts study on the brain. It includes links between music training and skills in geometrical representation, reading acquisition and sequence learning and training in acting and memory improvement.

Enhancing Young Children's Museum Experiences

Enhancing Young Children's Museum Experiences

Children enjoy finding new ideas in museums; parents gain new skills in guiding young children's learning; teachers enjoy clear links between museums and the curriculum; and museums staff enjoy designing successful early years programmes. This comprehensive and superb manual collates the experience of some of the most successful family programmes to hep guide new practices for the ever growing young audiences.

Music to Young Ears: engaging deaf children with music

Music to Young Ears: engaging deaf children with music

Musical opportunities for young deaf children up to the age of five in the Humber Region and York are the subject of a report published by Music4U and tackles an important, but under-researched area of provision for young deaf children, identifying examples of national and regional best practice.

Te Whāriki through music in the early childhood curriculum

Te Whāriki through music in the early childhood curriculum

The purpose of this article is to examine the strands and goals which arise from the four principles of Empowerment; Holistic Development; Family and Community and Relationships (Te Whāriki,1996) and to propose how music can be used in an integral way not only to meet the stated goals but also to promote them to their fullest potential.

Neuroscience - science of the brain

Neuroscience - science of the brain

This booklet was prepared and edited on behalf of the British Neuroscience Association and the European Dana Alliance for the Brain by Richard Morris (University of Edinburgh) and Marianne Fillenz (University of Oxford).

Evaluating the value of museums to the Under 2s

Evaluating the value of museums to the Under 2s

This programme aimed to learn about the value of museums to very young children (under 2s), gathering evidence of the positive impact museums can have on children's development and family relationships.

Engaging families in the festival environment by Wild Rumpus

Engaging families in the festival environment by Wild Rumpus

How do families perceive arts events in natural landscapes? Wild Rumpus, founders of the magical Just So Festival of creativity for children and their families, explore how transformative shared learning can become when families play, dance, paint, listen to and watch amazing art together in beautiful outdoor spaces.