Jo Belloli, Associate Producer for Early Years at Polka Theatre

It was Professor Colwyn Trevarthern's fascinating research into the very early communication between mothers and babies that was the catalyst behind our wish at Polka to explore this through an immersive, theatrical medium. Further inspiration to develop our own piece, Lullaby, has come out of some shared work we've been doing over the past 18 months with our colleagues within the European Commission Culture Programme funded project 'Small size, big citizens' with whom Polka is the UK partner organisation. The universality of lullabies, and the benefits of this intimate, delicate and profound form of meaningful communication between two people in a world now competing with an array of other forms of engagement, present us – and other colleagues such as the team at Spitalfields and the Royal London Hospital with whom we've connected through the network organisation Earlyarts – with rich and varied opportunities to explore early communication through vocal, rhythmic, harmonious and gestural interaction - London Early Years Music Network February e-newsletter