The good, the brilliant and the creative

The good, the brilliant and the creative

Don't you agree that the best teachers are the ones who know how to make sense of the world? They know how to capture a child's heart as well as their mind, and how to nurture those magic moments when imaginations go wild! They give whatever it takes so that a child really gets it, feels valued and respected, wants to do their very best and thrives, no matter what the odds are against them.

Never a Mermaid

Never a Mermaid

In my webinar interview for Earlyarts I spoke about the power of stories in our lives. Stories are so much more than books we share with children at bedtime, they are powerful tools. Through stories we shape and share our identities, effect change, connect with others and learn about the world and who we want to be within that world.

Can Dance Help Children to Become School Ready?

Can Dance Help Children to Become School Ready?

Last month I was the invited guest speaker on the Earlyarts webinar. This piece is a response to the online discussion I had around the considered topic 'Can Dance Help Children to Become School Ready?' This blog is intended to extend some of those important discussions further.

Playful Spaces for Playful Minds

Playful Spaces for Playful Minds

'It’s abstract Mummy, art can be anything you want it to be.’ my five year old declared as she presented to me her latest drawing.  What a perfect age, completely open to the artistic process whereby a piece of work can provoke ideas and thoughts that are not predetermined by life experiences and contexts.  Art to her is simple – it fuels her imagination.